About Me

The author (a blonde woman) standing in front of sunflowers

Meg was born and raised in the shadows of the Blue Ridge Mountains until moving to upstate New York to achieve her dream of being buried under a ridiculous amount of snow. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in biological anthropology at Binghamton University.

When she isn’t procrastinating on both her creative and academic writing projects, Meg can be found knee-deep in rivers or howling at the moon. Usually, however, she’s appeasing her very demanding cat.

Meg is proud member of the asexual community. She will not rest until the world is full of more stories about ace teens tangled up in wild adventures.

My "Side Gig"

So, technically my “full-time” job is being an exhausted graduate student, but since this is my author page, I get to dream a little.

I’m currently pursuing a PhD in biological anthropology at Binghamton University in upstate New York. My research focus is on infectious disease (tuberculosis and intestinal parasites) and iron. When I’m bored, I dabble in side projects like nutritional deficiencies and the immune response of breastmilk.

I’ve conducted fieldwork across the country and the globe, bouncing from the Appalachian Mountains and Cuba to Tanzania and Vanuatu. There was also that time where I caught black widows for a whole summer — but we don’t talk about that.

Oil tanker in front of Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro. It took us two months to realize that hulking shadow was the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. We thought we were looking at some other massive mountain. 

Meet the Menace

fellow ace icon, Spades